Energy Ventures – Open Utility

The historical value chain of the industry and one directional flow of energy and information have an impact on the efficiency of traditional energy market segments, the nature of the relationship with the consumer and the wider use of distributed energy sources. The value chain will expand, be more complex and include a wide range of new participants, who traditionally have not been directly involved in this industry, including ESCO, OEM, E-mobility, Fintech, who will fight for the energy companies’ margins. The consumer, hitherto passive recipient of the value chain product (power and electricity), will become an active, strengthened participant in the value chain that requires integration with the network. Both information and energy will flow in many directions, and with the emergence of new business models that will use the exponential growth of information flow in the network, an enormous value will be added to the ecosystem.

Prosument model of the power market

New innovative services tailored to the needs of the public sector and individuals

Inspired by concepts from other sectors, we imagine a near future in which a Utility is capable of exchanging data with its customers in a standardized way. The project’s aim is to develop these standards by transferring technological know-how and experience of the founders of Unified Energy Ventures (UEV) team from financial technologies, software house, and energy markets by designing various classes of standards, databases, APIs, and operating systems in order to provide services regarding:

  • P2P trading platform, based on Blockchain Smart Contracts (Real Time Energy Markets)
  • EV energy charging operating system with Vehicle-to-Grid module
  • Asset tokenization and management tools
  • Onboarding of prosumers and E-mobility users with KYC in mind with Management system for distributed energy resources, acting as a Virtual Power Plant
  • Closed distribution network operating system for the purpose of microgrids
  • Integrated grid optimization platform for load balancing with Demand Balance Response and Supply Balance Response

The literature analyzes showed that currently there are no metamodels for modeling storage networks and transferring electricity under dynamic contracts. Solutions based on the approach to this type of issues in terms of autonomous agents operating in a dynamic network structure based on two media, ie electricity, as well as financial liabilities and their settlements supported by blockchain technology, are an absolute novelty, not occurring both in the field of theoretical and practical solutions. Comprehensive modeling systems, network simulation, multicriterial optimization in the sphere of network grid solutions for electromobility, microgrids and prosumers currently do not exist and constitute a very innovative complementary and consistent approach, allowing the creation of an extremely effective, safe and scalable system with full uniqueness in its design.

Our solution

Digitalization of the network for the intelligent services

Our project, based on the blockchain technology, addresses some of the key problems regarding operations of smart grids, including:

  • As the number of participants increases so does the level of transaction complexity and its volume
  • Seamless interaction between central and distributed resources require open standards and interoperability
  • Real time monitoring of network performance, and continuous assessment of supply and demand based on price signals is essential to maximize the energy output and cost effectiveness of the whole system
  • Flexible monitoring and control systems to accommodate different degrees of customer engagement according to individual preferences – Significant increase in the number of new entrants makes security and trust a critical requirement in the system

Use case: Interoperational Electromobility

Standardization for microgrids, electromobility and prosumers

The first use case of our technology includes application of its functionalities in integration of Polish Electromobility market (Distribution System Operators, Third Party Providers, Charging Infrastructure Providers, Charging Service Providers). For the end-users it will mean optimization of two processes, which has been defined by Payment Service Directive 2 (PSD2), which in our opinion opens not only financial but any other markets:

  • Payment Initiation Service Provider, allowing customers to push payments directly from / to their accounts in an automated manner, tracking production and consumption of their personal energy assets but also combining the information about the full value chain for energy transfer with the asset ownership information.
  • Account Information Service Provider (“Energy wallet”), allowing customers to share / leverage identity information for faster transactions and better billing, including optimization of energy charges.

The design of our solution, prepared according to the forthcoming directives and regulations (PSD2, CMA, GDPR), as well as adaptation of blockchain technology, will guarentee our users the following added values:

  • Data portability – provides customers the right to easily transfer personal data
  • Consent – enable portability through ensuring permissions (unambiguous specific and on informed basis)
  • Data processing – process personal data in a manner that is lawful, transparent and fair
  • Data protection – employ the mechanics to ensure personal data is adequately protected including processing, monitoring, documentation and certification
  • Open product data – provision of standardized product reference data and customer satisfaction score

Multidisciplinary experience of our team

We have worked with successes for the finance and energy sectors

First integration of external solutions with the API banking system

Chosenas TOP 10 FintechStartup at infoShare, the winner of the firstGPW acceleration program, Acceleration Technology featured during the first global edition of the Startup at the Palace

Automation of banking processes and integration with external IT systems (project in 17 countries)

Implementation of an online sales platform and ERP integration (project in 8 countries)

Project of microgrids, including the development of a model for settlements and P2P trading

Development and implementation of research and development policy for the Tauron Group

Development and implementation of Polish ESCO market entry strategy (project in 3 countries)

Celem projektu jest promocja marki UnifiedAPI na rynkach zagranicznych dzięki udziałowi w wydarzeniach zaplanowanych w ramach programu "Polskie Mosty Technologiczne".

Poddziałanie 3.3.1 „Polskie Mosty Technologiczne”
Działanie 3.3. Wsparcie promocji oraz internacjonalizacji innowacyjnych przedsiębiorstw
Oś priorytetowa nr 3 - Wsparcie innowacji w przedsiębiorstwach
Program Operacyjny Inteligentny Rozwój

Zaplanowane działania bezpośrednio przyczynią się do rozwoju działalności eksportowej Wnioskodawcy i wzmocnienia jego przewagi konkurencyjnej na rynku rynku Stanów Zjednoczonych.

Realizacja projektu pozwoli na osiągnięcie zaplanowanych wskaźników rezultatu:

  • Liczba zagranicznych kontraktów handlowych podpisanych przez przedsiębiorstwo wsparte w zakresie internacjonalizacji
  • Przychody ze sprzedaży produktów (usług/technologii) na eksport

Dofinansowanie: 190 000 PLN